
Get Your Team Talking 💬

aaask your team a different question every day.
Make it fun and engaging so people react, reply and build stronger bonds.


Would you go into space if you were given the chance? 🚀
aaasked: 21st November 2024

Where is your perfect holiday location? And who would you take? ☀️aaasked: 21st November 2024

Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon? 🐉 🦄aaasked: 21st November 2024


Would you rather live in a world filled with candy or chocolate? 🍭🍫aaasked: 21st November 2024


If you were a superhero, what would your super power be? 🦸aaasked: 21st November 2024

See how it works

How pulses work

Generate questions using aaask AI

Let aaask AI help you effortlessly generate a variety of engaging questions in formats like:

  • Business or personal…
  • Would you rather…
  • Yes or no…
  • Multiple choice…
  • Open ended…
  • Hypothetical…
  • Trivia…

If your pre-defined questions run out, we’ll notify you so you can add more. Alternatively, let our AI generate future questions automatically to keep the momentum going without missing a beat.

aaask blob
aaask star
AI Generated Questions
aaask squirl
aaask squirl

Define your schedule

When would you like each question to be sent?

Notifications are delivered to everyone included in the pulse based on your chosen schedule. This could be:

  • Daily…
  • Weekly…
  • Monthly…

These notifications let your team know the question, prompting them to provide their answers.

People answer, react & reply

The people you have invited to the pulse can answer the main question.

They then have the ability to react and reply to other peoples questions. This turns each answer into a way for people to chat and get to know each other better.

When your team collaborates on off-topic conversations they form deeper bonds and it gives people a common discussion point for the future.

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Pulse Comments



Invite your whole team &
get unlimited checkins

Number of people to invite
Up to 10 —— Up to 30 —— Up to 100 —— Up to 500
check Unlimited checkins
check Unlimited pulses
check Unlimited posts
check Unlimited reminders
check Unlimited summaries


Invite your whole team &
get unlimited checkins

Number of people to invite
Up to 10 —— Up to 30 —— Up to 100 —— Up to 500
check Unlimited checkins
check Unlimited pulses
check Unlimited posts
check Unlimited reminders
check Unlimited summaries

Frequently asked questions

See some of the most common questions below.
If you have a question we haven’t included then please get in touch.


What is a pulse?

A pulse is a way to ask different questions to your team on a regular schedule.

The questions can be pre-populated and set out in a specific order by you so they are asked in the order and on the schedule you define.

Or, they can be created by aaask AI to make it easy for you to create lots of interesting questions to aaask your team.

By aaasking your team different questions you foster collaboration, help your team learn more about each other and build stronger bonds.

How many pulses can I create?

You can create an unlimited number of pulses.

What is a reminder?

A reminder is a simple email that reminds people to answer the pulse question. It’s sent on a schedule and at a time defined by you.

This makes sure that people are prompted to answer the question on a schedule and time that makes most sense.

The email simply contains the question and a button so people can click to go directly to the pulse question to answer it.

What is a summary?

A summary is an email containing all answers to the pulse question from the last 24 hours.

This is a really nice way to receive all answers that have been posted so you can quickly review. Then, if you want to reply or react to an answer you can click it to be taken directly to the pulse question.

In each pulse settings page you can set the schedule and time for the summary to be sent out.

Can I select which people receive reminders and summaries?

Yes. In each pulse settings you can specify which people you want to receive a reminder and which people you want to receive a summary.

This can be a different list for reminders and summaries. So you could have the same or different people receiving alerts and summaries. The power is in your hands!

How many people can I invite from my team?

The number of people you can invite depends on which plan you have chosen. We have plans for teams up to 500 people. But if you have more than 500 people we can help with a custom plan. Please get in touch to discuss this with us.

Start 30-Day Free Trial

Is this the biggest button on the internet? We think it might be….

In any case, if you want to improve the way your team provides feedback & communicates you should probably click it and start a 30-day free trial of aaask 😉
